How we support employers and employees
When you hire a Sarina Russo Job Access candidate, you gain access to workplace support for 6-12 months after they start work with you. Our consultants are there to ensure you, your business, and your new employee have the support you need for a successful, long-term employment outcome. Workplace support can include any of the following:
- Access to wage subsidies valued up to $10,000 to offset the cost of onboarding.
- Access to training and development opportunities for your new staff member.
- Financial assistance to cover the costs of any new licences or qualifications your employee may need.
- Workplace visits if there are any issues with your new employee settling in.
- Access to intervention services including psychological support or physiotherapy for physical conditions.
- Cultural awareness training and guidance for employers or employees
Work-related items to help your employee with onboarding and keeping their job for the first 6-12 months may also be covered, depending on the employee’s circumstances and your business’ eligibility.
Get in touch with our team to find out more about workplace support for your business.