10 Tips for Your New Job | Sarina Russo

10 Tips for Your New Job

By Sarina Russo Editorial Team
Individuals shaking hands

Congratulations on getting your first job! All your hard work has paid off and you’re about to take the first step in starting your career.

You have probably heard people say, “Getting  a job is one thing, but keeping it is another.” This is true in the sense that your probation period will determine if you’re fit for your role. Don't be alarmed, however, as this blog post will assist you in making a great first impression and help you pass your probation period.

No matter your education or experience background, the advice for starting work is always the same. Here are 10 tips to help you succeed in any workplace:

1. Research

We’re sure you have already done some light research prior to your interview, but now that you have the job it’s time to dig a little deeper.

You have the job and your employer is going to expect you to know what’s expected of you, present industry news and the company’s history.

You don’t need to know everything of course but having a basic understanding will show your employer you are prepared, enthusiastic and passionate about your trade. There is nothing worse than being put on the spot with a question you don’t know the answer to.

First impressions are key and being prepared will ease your nerves and ensure you can think quickly on your feet.

What you should research:

  • Industry news and trends
  • Your position and job requirements (this can be found in your contract)
  • Work manual
  • Your company’s history
  • Your recent successes
  • Employees in the same department (LinkedIn can assist with this)
What you should research before a new job

2. Arrive 5 minutes early

No matter what work you're in, tardiness will always be considered rude. As CEO and Founder of adventur.es, Brent Beshore says, "5 minutes early is on time. On-time is late. Late is unacceptable."

For your first day, you should give yourself some leeway when commuting to the office as this will be your first run. Roadblocks  happen but unfortunately, there are no redos, so giving yourself that extra bit of time will help should any issue arise.

5 minutes early is on time. On-time is late. Late is acceptable.

3. Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. As a new employee, your team will expect you to ask a lot of questions. There is no such thing as a silly question, and by being inquisitive, you may be helping someone else in your office who is curious, too.

A great question to ask your manager when starting a new role is, “What tasks should I prioritise?” This will assist you in completing tasks in a timely fashion and ensure you meet every deadline.

Tip: Asking questions now will help you avoid mistakes in the future.

4. Take notes

While asking questions is great, it's useless if you don't remember what was said. This is where taking notes comes into play.

Whenever you ask a question, make sure to have a word doc or notebook open. Jotting down notes will help you remember what was said and avoid re-asking.

5. Stay organised

Organisation is what makes busy workers successful. When starting a new role, you may be given lots of tasks and appointments.

To avoid handing in tasks late or missing appointments, you must organise your priorities and schedules. You can do this either with a diary or online software.

Some ways people organise their workload include:

  • Writing a weekly plan
  • Creating a schedule
  • Making a to-do list
  • Following the Eisenhower Matrix system
  • Logging all tasks and appointments into an electric calendar
Eisenhower Matrix System

6. Go above and beyond

The most effective way of leaving a lasting impression and rising through the ranks is going above and beyond. This means taking initiative and doing more or better of what is expected of someone in your role.

Examples of going above and beyond could be; helping colleagues, with their tasks, taking out the rubbish without being asked or offering to work extra shifts.

You get out what you put in and going above and beyond will help you succeed in your career.

7. Think solutions not problems

Problems arise from time to time, and it’s important to stay calm in these situations.

Thinking about the solutions, rather than the problems, can revitalise your mind and help you tackle problems efficiently without getting too wrapped up in the negativity.

When you approach your manager with a problem, try presenting them with several solutions. This will ease their mind and show them your problem solving, critical thinking and leadership skills.

📖 Related Story: What is Social Screening?

8. Make friends

You will be spending a lot of time at work and if you’re a full-time worker, the chances are you will be spending more time with your co-workers than your actual family and friends. To make the experience more enjoyable, we recommend making friends in the workplace.

Friends are a great source of support and motivation. According to research collated by Coworking Specialists Instant Offices, having friends at work makes you more engaged and happier.

When you come across new people at work, don’t hesitate to say hello and introduce yourself. This is a great way to meet new people and get to know your colleagues better. An easy place to interact with others is the office lunchroom as this is where everyone will be hanging out and relaxing.

9. Be a team player

Chances are you will be working with a team. When work is divided up between a group of people, it is done quicker and more efficiently.   

To accomplish goals in the workplace, it's important everyone works as a team and does their part. Some benefits of teamwork include innovation, stronger morale and boosted creativity.

A great quote from Henry Ford that encapsulates the importance of team work is, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

10. Take away distractions

When you’re at work, you’re on their clock. This means no Instagram scrolling or phone calls with your friends to discuss weekend plans.

Distractions at work can reduce performance and productivity and can cause a ripple effect in your team. To avoid distractions, it's recommended personal phones are switched to silent and placed out of view.

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