How do I Choose the Right Business Partner? | Sarina Russo

How do I Choose the Right Business Partner?
By Sarina Russo Editorial Team
Two individuals with business documents in an office setting

By Christine Deutsch (Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs Business Coach)

Starting a business is a big step and including a partner to share the business journey with may be something you’re considering. Having someone who can support, compliment and challenge you can go a long way to creating that formula for business success. 

What is a Partnership? 

  • Two or more people who operate a business together generally through a Partnership Agreement who distribute income or losses between themselves.  

Why would you want a business partner? 

  • To bring additional skills, experiences & resources to the business 
  • It can be cost effective 
  • To share control & management and to share the load 
  • To share the profits & losses, and there are tax benefits 
  • Operational flexibility – allows time for partners to take breaks 

What are the disadvantages of a partnership? 

  • Personal liability – your partner’s fault is your liability too
  • Decisions about what happens when the partnership ends

A business partnership is not unlike a marriage. It requires: 

  • A shared vision and goal with values & strategies that are aligned. 
  • Mutual hard work with each partner using their respective strengths to grow the business. 
  • Open communication & effective conflict resolution – a business lives in a dynamic environment and there will be stormy seas and tough times to navigate. 
  • Mutual respect and a balance of power that recognises the contribution of each partner
  • A 'business divorce' can be just as messy as a marital divorce – a partnership agreement with clear lines of responsibility during the business partnership & the splitting up of assets after the business partnership ends may help.

The essential traits of a potential business partner: 

  • They bring complementary skills & experience to the business 
  • They share your values, entrepreneurial spirit & vision
  • They offer resources & credibility to your business
  • They are financially stable, without a lot of personal baggage & are reliable 
  • They practice good personal & business ethics 
  • There is mutual respect and clear communication ie they are willing to be accountable and solution oriented. 

Successful business partnerships: 

  • Proctor & Gamble – brothers-in-law related by marriage started by combining their two businesses - soap making and candles. From there, they developed other personal & cleaning products including shampoos & dishwashing. 
  • Hewlett Packard – university classmates creating electronic circuitry equipment and branched out personal computers and electronic calculators. 
  • Ben & Jerry’s – high school mates who opened their first ice cream ‘scoop shop’ in 1978 with their now signature flavours including Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and a string of franchises worldwide. 
  • Larry Page & Sergey Brin – launched Google in 1998 – is there more that needs to be said!
  • Paul Allen & Bill Gates – high school friends and co-founders of Microsoft. Allen died in October 2018 reportedly giving more than $2 billion towards advancement of science, technology wildlife conservation & supporting the arts & community services. 

Not 100% sure you will be able to create a startup successfully?

We offer accredited small business training that can help turn your business idea into reality. Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs (SRE), in conjunction with The Self-Employment Assistance program (previously New Business Assistance with NEIS), enables Australians to set up and run their own small business. The Self-Employment Assistance is 100% Australian Government funded.

Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs (SRE) supports candidates as they complete BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business. During this, candidates create a comprehensive business plan and a two-year financial cash forecast. SRE Trainers provide meaningful mentoring for the first twelve months.

Eligible candidates receive the training and support to create a viable business plan, in addition to obtaining a Certificate IV in New Small Business.

For more information, please click here. 


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