It’s easy to access the services you need
It’s easy to access Disability Employment Services though Sarina Russo Job Access.
Confirm you are eligible (generally, this means you are receiving an approved income support payment and have mutual obligations – check the Services Australia website)
Use our office locator to find your closest Sarina Russo Job Access office
Request a referral by Services Australia or transfer to your preferred Sarina Russo Job Access office
- Most of the time, you will need a referral from Services Australia (Centrelink) to access our Disability Employment Services. Simply request that Sarina Russo Job Access be allocated as your preferred Disability Employment Services provider when Services Australia is processing your application. OR
- Or, if you’re already with a different provider, you can ask to be transferred to Sarina Russo Job Access by contacting the National Customer Service line (NCSL) on 1800 805 260.
For more help or information about using Sarina Russo Job Access as your preferred Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, or any other support, contact our team.