Mental Health Month | Sarina Russo

Mental Health Month

By SRG Editorial Media Team
A Sarina Russo Job Access consultant speaking with a participant
Mental Health Month

Mental health affects the way we think, feel and behave in our day to day lives. Being mentally healthy and having a healthy lifestyle is important to every single one of us, whether you have a mental illness or not.

In Australia, 1 in 5 people have experienced a mental disorder in the past year and 45% of Australia’s population have experienced one within their lifetime, according to the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB) done/published in 2020.

These facts are important, as mental illness could potentially affect us within our lifetimes. We believe there should not be a stigma around seeking help or treatment.

Every October, Mental Health Month is celebrated across parts of Australia. This year’s theme is “Tune In.” Tuning in means being present and becoming aware of what is happening within you and in the world around you. Tuning into your senses can help you relax and help you see what is going on around you from a new perspective.

WayAhead, a Mental Health Association in NSW, have created an amazing list of ways you can tune into many things, including yourself, others, your community and stigma. To view this informative list and to learn more about tuning in, please visit:

If you would like support, we offer many options.

For Sarina Russo Institute and James Cook University, Brisbane students, our Wellbeing Support Team is offering coaching and counselling services both online and in-person. This service is free to all current students. Your concerns do not have to be study-related, and they do not have to be ‘major’

To make a free appointment, please visit:

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